Home Records was created to provide property information that goes above and beyond that of a typical property listing website.
Go Beyond Google.
Home Records scours the deep web to uncover information that normal search engines can't find. Uncover social network data, photos and videos, and property data for the house you're looking for.
Get The Truth.
Real Estate Agents don't always have the full history of a house, and this can keep issues hidden until after you make a purchase. Uncover previous owners, neighborhood statistics and more before you buy.
Home Records has records on millions of properties throughout the United States. Discover the facts about your new home today!
Finding the value of a home, and its surrounding properties is often a very important step in finding real estate, and you can find it all in our reports!
Take a look at any property from arial views, street-views, and clean map views. Interact and view all the surrounding amenities like shopping, schools, and more.
A useful part of our reports is our owners section which shows the current owner, as well as the previous owners.
Getting insights as to what the neighborhood is like is very important when buying or investing in any real estate. Get the full picture with Home Records.
Connect with local REALTORS, retrieve previous sale info, print, share, view tax records, calculate mortgages, and get nearby crim statistics. The list goes on!
You can now enjoy all the great features of Home Records from anywhere and on any of your mobile devices. Simply visit our website and take advantage of searching for any houses nearby!